In the renowned 1979 film “Apocalypse Now,” the talented Marlon Brando portrayed the role of Colonel Kurtz while stylishly wearing a prestigious timepiece: the Rolex 1675. This prestigious automatic watch, with its refined design and Rolex craftsmanship, added a touch of elegance and authority to the character of Kurtz.
The watch that the actor wore in “Apocalypse Now” was sold by the renowned auction house Phillips Bacs&Russo in 2019 for $1,952,000. The case back of Marlon Brando’s Rolex was engraved “M. Brando” by the actor himself using a special electric pen. The absence of the rotating bezel on the 1675 was due to Marlon Brando’s choice to add more authenticity to his character, as he portrayed a Colonel in the army lost in the jungle.
Trivia about the reception of “Apocalypse Now”
“Apocalypse Now” achieved resounding success both critically and at the box office. The film grossed over $150 million, making it one of the most profitable films of the year. Furthermore, it was distributed in over 60 countries worldwide, reaching a vast international audience.
Design and features of the Rolex 1675
The Rolex 1675 was one of the most iconic luxury watches produced by Rolex in the 1970s. Belonging to the famous GMT-Master collection, the 1675 was designed for international travelers, featuring a unique characteristic: the dual-time zone function, allowing the wearer to read two time zones simultaneously. The watch’s refined design, coupled with its precision and reliability, contributed to its status as a symbol of style and status.
The Rolex 1675 in the role of Colonel Kurtz
In the film “Apocalypse Now” the Rolex 1675 was chosen as the watch for the character of Colonel Kurtz, portrayed by Marlon Brando. The watch added a touch of elegance and authority to the charismatic and tormented Kurtz, reflecting his position of power and enigmatic personality. During the intense scenes in which Kurtz confronts the protagonist, Captain Willard, the Rolex 1675 was a distinctive element on the Colonel’s wrist, expressing his authority and indomitable presence.
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